Thursday 26 June 2008


There are a lot of rules against filming the main concern is the amount of paperwork needed to be filled out. In order to film out side there is a lot of paperwork needed to do this. This means that you cant use it for websites such as “you tube” or “face book”. Also there is a rule about filming children under the ages of sixteen. This means that you have to have parental guidance throughout the filming and also have parental consent. The legal consent is mainly used for different circumstances. This meant that when I want to film Crawley I have to be careful with whom and what I film.

I also created a set design this was hard because we was working with a small budget. This meant that I had to think of using basic decorations and design. However I think that the event overall looked great and the colour scheme chosen worked well. When I created my design I decided that I would make it simple so it did not look over crowded and did not go over the budget. We also got to use a red carpet which was good. There were a few things missing on the night such as balloons and a banner, however this was not done due to time and costing affects. Also using more decorations means that there is more health and safety issue for example in hanging a banner you have to be aware of what the hang it up on, will it be in the way and will it fall down. When creating events like this the copyright situation is always at hand. For example when using the college logo there has to be permission form the college to use it as that is whom it belongs to. This is the same for using any images from the internet. This did not affect me in as I didn’t need to use the logo for anything. When using Google it will be hard to get consent to use their pictures as not all the picture belong to Google there use on various websites etc. also when using the college we would have had to as the market department of the college to use it.

When it came to leading I managed to do this by completing the final que cards and getting them up to standards for the evening. I done this by laminating the cards so that when I held them up the audience saw the scamp’s awards logo and I was also able to read the cards without confusion. Also when I design the set and showed the set design team what I had done they decided to use my designs for evening. It was a basic view of what the event would look like and helped with setting up for rehearsals

When it came to preparing the hosting side of the event I think that it was very stressful. I did not take much part in preparing scripts so when we came to rehearsals it went a bit wrong. This was because the scripts were changed three times to meet the standards it needed. This meant changing cue cards and reading through them continuously. We also ran out of time in rehearsing the evening; however we came to a basic understanding of what was going to happen and had the final script ready so I meant that the host weren’t confused on the night.

I creating my advert I met most of the paperwork deadlines however in handing the paperwork in I was a day late. This was because I was checking over the work. However I think that I did exceed my deadlines. I did create a time plan based on a calendar just stating the days we had the lessons and the tasks I had competed and needed to complete.

When I leave college I would like to peruse a carer in presenting. In hosting the awards evening it meant that I got to see what it involved. With it being a first time experience I was really nervous to start off with. However in having the support of family and friends around me and having cue cards to help with my lines the nerves wore off shortly and I began to enjoy myself. I did mess up some of my lines but I this was because I got confused with the order of my cue cards and this confused me with my lines. I really enjoyed myself being up their and I hope that I will have many more experiences like that to come.

After the event a few people commented on my performance. One person told me that I was natural and I will have no problem in the carer ahead of me. For example I keep confident and smiling and made sure that I didn’t let the nerves get the better of me. I was also told that when I messed up I hid it well and didn’t stop. This was when I got confused with my cue cards but I just made up what I was going to say and it came out well. However there was one point in which I became embarrassed because I made a mistake on who was presenting an award. Instead of correcting this I dropped back into my normal personality. This is when I need to not let my nerves get ahead of me. One person commented on this however they said that not a lot of people noticed and just saw it as a joke.
Overall I think the night went really well and it seemed like most of the audience enjoyed themselves and most of all the students seemed to have enjoyed themselves.

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